Online or In-Person
Columbia State's Orientation program is designed for new degree seeking, certificate, and dual enrollment students. It provides information to support a successful transition to college.
All first-time freshman and transfer students with less than 24 earned credit hours are to complete orientation.
Steps to Sign Up for Online Orientation
- Check to make sure you have completed your Enrollment Admission file (i.e. test scores, Immunization Health Form, Proof of Citizenship, and Selective Service, if applicable, have been completed and accepted by Admissions).
- Sign in using your PVT credentials (College username and login A Number) at http://orientation.columbiastate.edu/. Your login information was in your admissions letter.
- Enjoy getting to know more about Your College!
Steps to Sign Up for In-Person Orientation
- Check to make sure you have completed your Enrollment Admission file (i.e. test scores, Immunization Health Form, Proof of Citizenship, and Selective Service, if applicable, have been completed and accepted by Admissions).
- Fill out the registration information in the Online Scheduler
- Appointments encouraged for quicker assistance.
Online Orientation
New Student Orientation